Sunday, October 18, 2009


"There's a stalker book?" yes, there is... it gives you step by step insight on what to expect from a stalker, but within this internet sanctuary everyone's considered a stalker, especially via facebook. It use to be myspace but now myspace's become a site soely for the use of music promotion. My cousin mentioned " myspace is used in my hood." she lives in the hieghts...anywho for those of you who "follow" I haven't been posting any recent pictures of myself due to my weight gain, I've gained 20 pounds and I'm currently in the process of getting rid of it by biking and dieting again...see I've been taking ambien cr, and the side effects are major, but in my case the side effects were mild, they included dizzyness and anxiety, this one time while I was taking my bike up the stairs I got dizzy, almost blacked-out and fell down the stairs, it was traumatizing...I stopped biking for a while due to this inncedent...and now my doctor stopped precribing ambien cr, which also caused anxiety, I would eat because I was anxious, just stuff food into my mouth like a pig...but now that i've stopped taking ambien cr I'm a lot less anxious and more importantly, I'm able to take my bike up and down the stairs. sooooooo DO NOT INTAKE AMBIEN CR!

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